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Theatre Major Requirements

Required for both Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree pathways. 36 total hours for completion.

Course Description Credits
THEA 1033 Acting I** 3 credit(s)
THEA 1513 Stagecraft** 3 credit(s)
THEA 1713 Script Analysis 3 credit(s)
THEA 2031 or 2032 Theatre History & Literature I or II 3 credit(s)
THEA 2330 Theatre Improvisation*** 3 credit(s)
THEA 261X† Production Practicum 1 credit(s)
THEA 260X or 261X† Production Practicum or Performance Practicum 1 credit(s)
THEA 2091 Theatre Capstone 2 credit(s)
Track Requirements (either Performance or Design/Technical Track) 15 credit(s)
TOTAL 33 credit(s)
Performance Track
Course Description Credits
Performance Track Requirement:
THEA 1113 Voice & Diction 3 credit(s)
THEA 2033 Acting II 3 credit(s)
And three elective courses:
THEA 1223 Stage Makeup 3 credit(s)
THEA 2013 Stage Management 3 credit(s)
THEA 2031‡  Theatre History & Literature I 3 credit(s)
THEA 2032‡  Theatre History & Literature II 3 credit(s)
THEA 2130 Play Production 3 credit(s)
THEA 2140 Directing 3 credit(s)
THEA 2233 On Camera Acting 3 credit(s)
THEA 2400 Stage Combat 3 credit(s)
THEA 2443 Musical Theatre 3 credit(s)
THEA 2290 Special Topics 3 credit(s)
Design/Technical Track
Course Description Credits
Design/Tech Track Requirement (Choose two):
THEA 2013 Stage Management 3 credit(s)
THEA 2203 Costume Construction 3 credit(s)
THEA 2510 Scene Painting 3 credit(s)
And three elective courses:
THEA 1223 Stage Makeup 3 credit(s)
THEA 2013 Stage Management 3 credit(s)
THEA 2031‡ Theatre History & Literature I 3 credit(s)
THEA 2032‡ Theatre History & Literature I 3 credit(s)
THEA 2140 Directing 3 credit(s)
THEA 2210 Basic Scenic Design 3 credit(s)
THEA 2203§ Costume Construction 3 credit(s)
THEA 2510§ Scene Painting 3 credit(s)
THEA 2540 Lighting Design 3 credit(s)
  • ** THEA 1033 Acting I and THEA 1513 Stagecraft fulfill the Fine Arts General Education requirement.
  • *** THEA 2080 Theatre Improvisation fulfills the Oral Communication General Education requirement.
  • † Both Production Practicum and Performance Practicum can be retaken and have multiple designations for each mainstage production THEA 2601, THEA 2602, THEA 2603, THEA 2604, THEA 2605, THEA 2606, THEA 2611, THEA 2612, THEA 2613, THEA 2614, THEA 2615, and THEA 2616.
  • ‡ THEA 2031 Theatre History and Literature I: Classical and THEA 2032 Theatre History and Literature II: Modern, may be taken out of sequence and both satisfy the theatre major elective after the Theatre History requirement is completed.
  • § THEA 2013 Stage Management, THEA 2203 Costume Construction, or THEA 2510 Basic Scenic Painting may be taken as a theatre major elective once two of the required Design/Technical core classes are satisfied
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